Posted on December 21, 2016 by Kate Halsall


Last week some of my personal training clients and gym members had a good snigger at my expense because the muscle soreness I was experiencing made it very difficult to move. I’ve already exacted my revenge on some of those people – simply by putting them through the same workout. It’s only fair therefore, that I share it with others…think of it as a Christmas present aka a Christmas workout!

There are 3 rounds. We start every round with a Cardio Tabata (the 3 are listed below). We then complete 6 weighted exercises. These exercises are purposely split into lower body upper body and are performed for 45seconds with a 15 second rest. We then finish the round with a Core Tabata. The cardio and core tabatas change every round, but the weights do not. I also use the first cardio tabata as part of my warm up.

Altogether, the workout lasts about an hour. But as there are three rounds – you don’t have to do them all! At minimum you need a pair of dumbbells and a step.

Cardio Tabatas:

  • Step Ups / Star Jumps
  • Side to Side Shuffles / Toe Taps
  • Box Jumps / Ninjas (jump forward, run back)

Core Tabatas:

  • Ab Cycles / Cross Mountain Climbers
  • Side Planks / Toe Touches (feet in the air, reach for them)
  • Gekkos (plank position, knees to the outside of your elbows) / Russian Twists

The Weighted Exercises:

  • Bulgarian Split Squats
  • Single Arm Dumbbell Snatch
  • Side Lunge
  • Dumbbell Chest Press
  • ATG Squats
  • Dumbbell Curl and Press

No matter which section you are in – you need to give it your all. As many reps as possible. Go for it!