Posted on September 13, 2017 by Jenny Cromack

We wrote a HIIT and TRX workout a few months ago. This time I thought I would share a Total Body TRX Workout with you. Many of my personal training clients are interested in fat loss or improving their muscle tone, so a total body approach is great for achieving these goals.

For a good calorie burn this TRX workout is based on circuit training. Your exercises will be performed on the TRX or just as body weight exercises. The aim is to repeat each circuit three times, with as little rest between each exercise as possible to keep your heart rate elevated. If you’re looking for a higher calorie burn then I’ve suggested some intervals to do at the end.

Remember the closer you to the pivot point of the TRX, the harder the exercise becomes. So start as close to the pivot point as you can, and then if the going gets tough then move away slightly.

You may notice that this TRX workout doesn’t have any specific core exercises in it, but the exercises chosen should hit the core throughout the workout without a plank or sit up in sight!

Start your workout with a good warm up, and then you’re ready to begin!

Circuit A

  1. TRX Jump Squats x 12-15
  2. TRX French Press x 12-15 (this is one of my favourite TRX exercises, done well it really hits the back of the arms and also the core)
  3. TRX Squat & Wide Row x 12-15
  4. TRX Chest Flies x 12-15

Circuit B

  1. Power Lunges x 16-20
  2. TRX Bicep Curls x 12-15
  3. TRX Single Leg Lunges x 8-10 e/leg (back foot elevated in TRX)
  4. TRX Single Arm Row x 10-12 e/side

Circuit C

  1. Star Jumps – touch the floor in between each one x 12-15
  2. TRX Glute Bridge into Hamstring Curl x 10-12
  3. TRX Press Ups – two options – either standing and lowering into a chest press position or make it harder by putting your feet in the TRX and then performing a press up to the floor – great for the core!
  4. TRX Knee Tucks


TRX Workout

If that’s not enough for you, and you want to add some fat burning intervals to the end of your workout then jump on the treadmill and perform 8-10 x full-out 30s intervals with 60s rest between, or use the rower as an alternative.

If you’re unsure of any of the exercises then grab one of the motive8 team or drop us a line.