Posted on August 09, 2017 by Jenny Cromack


strength workout

During a training session, we all have exercises we like, and exercises we hate. You may think as a personal trainer I can just programme exercises and training session I really enjoy. Unfortunately, this isn’t the case very often. This is because if I only selected the exercises I enjoyed I wouldn’t get very much variety in my training, I would probably end up disliking the exercises anyway so it would be pointless.

However, if you are interested in what my favourite strength workout would be and my favourite exercises within that session then read on!

My preference of type of training is: hypertrophy work…NO, conditioning (intervals)…NO, agility…NO, Strength…YES. Ranging between 8-5 reps per set and lots of big compound movements. I love training for athletic development where you target the whole body every session. This means I stayed injury free, feel strong throughout my whole body and burn a lot more calories than if I targeted just one muscle group.

In my opinion, a strength workout for an athletic training session should involve a bilateral squat, a power movement, a hinge (such as a deadlift), a unilateral squat, a push, a pull (or two) and some trunk work. So very simply I am going pick my favourites from all these categories.

Warm-up correctly: Raise your heart rate, activate muscles, mobilise muscle and potentiate muscles.
A1. Goblet Squat ×8×4
A2. Power Hang Clean ×5×4
B1. Single Leg Split Squat ×8 each leg ×4
B2. Single Arm Row (Dumbbell) ×8 each arm ×4
C1. Single Leg Stiff Leg Deadlift ×8 each leg ×3
C2. Chest Press (Dumbbell) ×8×3
D1. Supine Dumbbell Pullover ×10×3
D2. Pallof Press ×8 each side×3

…and there you have it, my favourite strength workout made up of my favourite exercises. I would love to talk more about it, but writing has made me really want to do it – so that is just what I am going to do!!
Catch you later!