12 Weeks To A Healthier, Fitter, Stronger You

Do It In 12 is our bespoke 12 week personal training package.

Whether you want to become fitter, improve your health, lose weight, become stronger or simply get into a better routine let Do It In 12 kickstart your fitness journey to a more energetic, healthier, stronger you.

Work with your personal trainer over the 12 weeks as they educate you about how to break old habits and form healthy routines so that exercise and healthy eating become part of your day to day lifestyle.

Based on two personal training sessions per week, we start your journey with a complimentary consultation and assessment. We’ll assess your goals and discuss what it takes to achieve these.

Throughout the 12 weeks we’ll track your exercise and nutrition and make the tweaks and changes needed to optimise your results.


Getting Started

Stay focused and on track with 2 x 60 minute PT sessions per week tailored to you and your goals.

Your Do It In 12 journey begins with a complimentary consultation and goal setting session with your personal trainer.

During your first personal training session we will perform some baseline assessments based on your goals and re-assess every 4 weeks so we can monitor your progress.

Your personal trainer is always on hand to support and motivate you outside of your training sessions.


In addition to your weekly personal training sessions, you will receive a bespoke training plan to perform in your own time.

At the start of Do It In 12 we will agree the number of times you need to workout, based on your goals but most importantly, what fits with your lifestyle.

Your training plans are designed with YOU in mind – your exercise history, medical history and goals are all taken into consideration. To optimise your success and ensure you continue to progress, we update your training plan every 4 weeks.

Nutritional Support

Compliment your workouts with a healthy diet. Track your food on a weekly basis and we’ll offer well balanced nutritional advice. No fad diets or quick fixes. Simply healthy, nutritious tips and tricks to keep you on track to healthy eating forever.

If weight loss/fat loss is not your goal, having good nutrition will help to support your post-workout recovery and will underpin your healthy lifestyle.

Lifestyle Support

Our ethos at motive8 is all about balance! Your Do It In 12 programme will fit around you, rather than having to radically change your lifestyle to fit with the programme.

That being said, there may be some lifestyle improvements that we can make to fast track your progress. We’ll talk about aspects of your lifestyle such as weekly routine, time constraints, social support and social activities to help you maintain balance in your life in addition to supporting with areas such as managing stress and improving sleep.

Why You Should
Do It In 12

Creates positive, long term habits
Provides structure to your daily & weekly routines
Fosters a healthier lifestyle
Advice and support from your own personal trainer
Achieve goals which last for a lifetime

£385 per month or
£1150 for 12 weeks

2 x weekly PT sessions for 12 weeks
Bespoke training plans
Nutritional & lifestyle support
Assessments and tracking of your progress every 4 weeks


I’ve always found it hard to stick to something for longer than 2 weeks, but now I feel like I’ve got exercise and healthy eating cracked!

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Despite having a busy job and working long hours, Do It In 12 taught me how to make exercise and healthy eating part of my day to day life.

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Do It In 12 was the perfect programme to get me in shape for my wedding day!

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Do It In 12 helped me take control of my eating and exercise. Now I have more energy at work and for hitting the gym.

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Do It In 12 was just what I needed to get me back on track with the gym and healthy eating.

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Seeing my physical health progress has also improved my overall mood and mental health.

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I’m getting married in October this year and Do It In 12 was the perfect thing to help me to get into shape and look my best! I’ve made a few vague attempts to lose weight in the last couple of years, but never stuck at anything. I knew that the structure of Do It In 12 and the constant support from Kate, my PT, would make all the difference – and it did!

A big challenge was getting over my fear of going to the gym by myself. It sounds silly looking back, but I was so intimidated and nervous that I just didn’t go at all. I’m so much more confident now and actually enjoy going!

So far I’ve lost 16lbs and 5% body fat, but there are more things I’ve achieved too such as knocking 4 minutes off my 5k PB and I can now train with weights, something I was completely clueless about before.

Sophie Bambra, motive8 personal training client