Do It In 12 is our exclusive 12 week guaranteed results personal training package.
Focused on getting the results you desire. 12 weeks is the perfect time for forming life long healthy habits and achieving your results.
Personal training is just that.....personal. It's about you, your goals, your results. Let our team of experienced personal trainers help you take the first step to a healthier, fitter you.
find out more6 WEEK PROGRAMME
Need to get back on track with your training? Our 6 week programme is perfect!
1-2 x 45 min PT session per week
Personalised programme
Nutrition support
Regular check-ins from your trainer
From £199!
Contact us to book.
motive8 North was established in Leeds by Personal Trainer, Jenny Cromack, in 2011. With over 20 years experience, Jenny is as passionate about delivering results as she is about her own training.
Unlike the typical 'sergeant major' bunch, we're a team of friendly personal trainers! With a wealth of knowledge and experience we will motivate you towards your goals, whatever they may be.
motive8 is Leeds’ leading personal training company, specialising in 1:1 and group personal training.
Proud of the results we achieve with our clients, our mission is to show you how exercise and healthy eating can become part of your lifestyle, for the long term.
We’re not into quick fixes or the latest fad diet. Our team of expert personal trainers motivate, inspire and educate you so that exercise and a healthy, balanced diet become part of your DNA without being a chore.
Our personal training studio is based near Leeds City Centre and has free parking and shower facilities.
Get in touch today and see what a difference working with one of our expert personal trainers can bring.
Personal Training
We don’t just train people, we change people!
Whether you’re looking for a trainer to make a weekly appointment with for accountability and to keep you motivated, or perhaps it’s because you have a particular goal you’re working towards but don’t know what to do to get there then we can help! Booking a regular session with your personal trainer will keep you focused and arm you with the tools you need to achieve your goals. We’ll provide you with personalised workout plans and the lifestyle and nutritional support you need to keep you on track to achieving your goals even if you can’t get to the gym.
Read moreDo It In 12
Guaranteed Results in Just 12 Weeks
Do It In 12 is our 12 week personal personal training package, based on 2 x weekly personal training session to help you createand establish a good routine for long term healthy habits.
Whether you simply want to be more active and healthier, run a PB in your next 10k, lose weight and feel amazing in your clothes, 12 weeks is the perfect time to achieve this. If you’re tired of making and breaking the same promises to ‘get fitter’, ‘be more active’, ‘eat better’ or ‘lose weight’ then Do It In 12 is for you.
Read moreOptimise Coaching
Optimise Coaching
Know what you should be doing but you sometimes have difficulty actually doing it? Optimise coaching unravels your WHY and your HOW, giving you a deeper understanding of the different methods and tools you can use to achieve your goals. If you feel like everything you have tried hasn’t worked, then it’s time for something new.
Read moreSports Massage & Biomechanics Assessment
Give Your Body Some TLC
Sometimes your body needs a little bit of TLC which is why we offer Sports Massage and Biomechanics Assessments. Ease your aching muscles or address those niggles with a sports massage. Concerned that you may have muscle imbalances or the long hours sat at a desk may be affecting your posture, sports performance or general day to day life, then book a Biomechanics Assessment.
Read moreYour Journey
We're proud of the support we give our clients. We're not your 'wham, bam, thank you ma'am' type personal trainers. We spend time supporting and educating you so that you are empowered to make healthy lifestyle choices and lifelong changes to your health.
Complimentary Consultation

Assessment & Goal Setting

How Do You Move?

Personalised Programmes

Nutritional Support

Continual Support

Latest results
- men
- women
Phil Howe

I started training with motive8 because I used to park outside the studio every day to pick my wife up from work and used to see the exercise classes and thought “that looks like fun”. When I got engaged I got “the fear” as I wanted to be in shape for our wedding so came down for an chat and induction. My initial goals were just to shed some weight to look better in a suit. From years of being overweight I had resigned to the fact that I was never going to have a six pack or toned physique but I just wanted to look and feel ok on our big day.
A few months before our wedding I had gotten down to a 34” waist trouser something I had not been since I was a teenager and then after conversations with Alex I started to change my goals towards getting the beach body I didn’t think would be possible. I am still working towards that goal but getting closer and closer every few months. I have recently started to reduce the running and cardio I have been doing and have started enjoying lifting weights more than I thought I would.
I am now stronger, fitter and healthier than I have probably ever been as an adult and approaching 30 next month in the best shape of my life.
The thing I enjoy the most about training with motive8 is the atmosphere In the gym. The fact that it is a small studio is not to it's detriment as it actually means that there is always good banter and the gym very much has a family feel to it. My personal training sessions with Alex and the fact that you can talk to all of the other PT’s in the gym has really helped to develop my understanding of health and fitness and I would now say it is a topic that I am actively interested in learning more about which obviously helps me achieve my nutritional and exercise goals.
In 29 years I have always enjoyed sports such as football, tennis and basketball but previous to ,otive8 I had never enjoyed the gym (it always felt like a chore). Now going to work out at Motive8 has become my leisure time and I enjoy (almost) every session.
Simon Price

I joined motive8 when my business moved to Marshalls Mill in 2014 and I needed to change the focus of my training from running after key hole knee surgery.
My initial goal was to maintain and improve my overall fitness, I achieved this by going to the group classes in the evenings. The classes are run by one of the Personal Trainers from motive8 which means that, alongside the banter, the classes are very well planned, focused on key outputs and are really challenging.
It was clear that the Personal Trainers at motive8 are well trained experts and I wanted to step up my overall fitness and more importantly strength, so I thought that a few months of personal training would help. My initial brief was vanity, acquiring a ‘sporting physique’, and to get physically get stronger.
The two months turned into two years! I still have PT but I also I train on my own to the programme Alex has developed for me and still fit in a few classes over the week.
I like to think that I work hard at managing both my diet and working out in the gym, however the guidance from experts has really ensured that I have hit all my initial goals. I have dropped from 19.5% body fat to 7%, so finally have some abs on show, and have added muscle to maintain my bodyweight. I recently smashed my one rep maxes with a 150kg squat and a 170kg deadlift, so I am feeling pretty strong too. Moving forward I want to tailor my training to prepare me to get out in the great outdoors mountain biking and climbing.
Overall, the Personal Trainers at motive8 aren’t your usual run of the mill, they haven’t just done a two week course and been let loose. The personal training team at motive8 all have as a minimum relevant degrees and experience in coaching/training which ensures incredibly high quality advice worth paying for. The people make or break any business, experts at what they do and nice people, motive8 has got that spot on.
Steve Copsey

Before Steve started our personal training programme ‘Do It In 12’ he had never lifted weights before. His 1 rep max is now 50kg for bench press and 90kg for deadlift – not to shabby for someone who hadn’t lifted a barbell before!
Alongside this Steve has lost over 7% body fat, 14cm from his waist and 63cm in total, these are phenomenal results in just 12 weeks!
Not only has Steve seen these amazing results but he has also learned how exercise and healthy eating can be part of his life forever. After all, a healthy body is for life not just for 12 weeks…..
Stephen Tweddle
Wow, Stephen has absolutely smashed his Do It In 12 goals! When Stephen first started personal training with motive8 his BMI would have placed him in the obese category, whilst he would still be classes as 'overweight' on the BMI, a body fat of just over 11.5% clearly shows this is not the case!
Stephen has lost over 10kg, that’s 20 x 500g bags of sugar…wow!) and almost 65cm (25 inches in old money), an absolutely phenomenal result!
Not only this, but Stephen's posture has massively improved, his movement patterns are much better than when he first started training with us, and his strength has significantly improved.
Amazing work, well done Stephen!
Ruby Briggs

When Ruby initially started training with motive8 her goals were to get fit and lose weight for her 50th birthday. Not only did she smash this, losing over 4 stone and over 70 inches, 10 years later Ruby has maintained this weight loss, taken part in various 5k's, 10k's and Tough Mudders!
Despite having a busy, demanding job as a MD of a travel company, Ruby still manages to train four times per week and follow a healthy diet, whilst enjoying the odd glass of champagne!
''I want to thank Jenny and the team at motive8 for all their effort, support and enthusiasm they put into my programme and the motivating fitness community they have created. It’s one of the best things I’ve ever done when I Googled for ‘personal training Leeds’ and selected the motive8 North website!''
Sophie Bambra

I started the Do It In 12 Programme with Kate in preparation for my wedding, I knew Do It In 12 was the perfect thing to help me to get into shape and look my best! I’ve made a few vague attempts to lose weight in the last couple of years, but never really stuck at anything. I knew that the structure of Do It In 12 and the constant support off Kate, my personal trainer, would make all the difference – and it did!
Kate has been brilliant, I’ve often struggled with dizziness and feeling faint during exercise – and in the past this has made me quit altogether. I did have some dizzy spells in my first few sessions, but due to Kate's encouragement I didn’t give up this time – and I’m very happy to say it hasn’t happened since! Another big challenge was getting over my fear of going to the gym by myself. It sounds silly looking back, but I was so intimidated and nervous that I just didn’t go at all. I’m so much more confident now and actually enjoy going to the gym!
I'm over the moon that I've lost over 5% body fat and over a stone in weight, but there’s so many more little things that I’m really proud of as well. For example, the fact that I can now hold a plank for longer than 30seconds without collapsing is a big achievement! Also that I can train with weights, something that I was clueless about before. My running has hugely improved as well – my 5k PB has dropped from 35:09 to 31:21 and I'm determined to run 5k in under 30 minutes!
Adele O'Toole

I've been training with motive8 for about 6 years now (I think), starting off with the 6pm fitness classes 3 times a week. I only started as I wanted to get fit, get in shape and to hope by 7pm the traffic on the M62 had died down!
After a few years, I felt I was getting stuck in rut, I'd toned up, got stronger, fitter, clothes fitted better...I was even running 5k's! I spoke with Jenny and she listened and she suggested 2 classes a week and plus a weekly personal training session. Soon I was deadlifting, squatting, chest pressing and so on, and using crazy weights! All down to the belief of Kate knowing that I can do it and I did it. I felt immensely proud of myself and sore too but sore in a good way!
Sadly, I was made redundant in March of this year. Everything had to stop. I suddenly became round, out of shape etc. So back at the end of August when I'd settled into my new job I signed up to do Do It In 12 with Kate. Now for me, it wasn't about losing weight, I didn't want this to be the main focus, I just wanted to feel fitter, stronger, better shape and to see if I could still lift all those crazy weights, with Kate's help I successfully did it.
Now I'm training once a week with Kate, doing a circuits class, a 5k run and walking as much as possible each week. I'm ready to set some new goals for 2018 too!
All in all, I enjoy training with Motive8, they push you to achieve what you are after without you realising you are actually doing it!
Lesley Hastings

My daughter, Liz, and son-in-law, Joe, have been training with Jenny at motive8 for some years and I have seen them get fitter and slimmer and look generally healthier and more alive!
Liz brought me buddy sessions with her as a trial for my 66th birthday present in March 2015. Believe me, it is the best present I have ever had. I went along and met Jenny and talked about myself, my lifestyle and my goals and how I could achieve them.
My initial goals were to lose half a stone and get rid of some of the fat around my middle and tone up my fat arms. This had become more important as we bought a house in Spain a few years a go and spent a lot of time there and swimsuits, sleeveless tops and dresses and short are the order of the day and I felt even fatter when exposed.
First day, Jenny weighed and measured me all over and we talked about what my targets were, both short and long term. I worked alongside Liz with lighter weights and easier moves.
One of the hardest things at first was to stop yo-yo dieting and start eating sensibly and more healthily. This often involved eating more than I normally would, but I did not feel hungry. Jenny’s help and recipes on the website has re-educated me on healthy eating. Jenny has also helped me rethink our frequent holidays in Spain and make it part of my healthier living regime. I try to plan my meals for the week and record what I eat in My Fitness Pal, which Jenny then monitors and gives me advice on. It is reassuring to know that someone can give you advice on this, often with just a quick email, that keeps you on track.
Jenny never criticises or shows disappointment, but tries to help you look for the triggers that make you overindulge and ways you might avoid it. Eating out is always more of a challenge but Jenny’s useful tips and advice have made that more manageable too.
Each week our personal training sessions have helped me to get stronger and fitter, I have gradually lifted heavier weights and seen muscles develop that I never knew were there and feel quite proud of them. My workout plan and programme during the week has reinforced this and regular measurements and weigh ins have really motivated me.
When I was at school I hid from PE and games and hated every minute of it, but now I even go out for short runs and have persuaded a couple of me neighbours to join me.
The cost of a personal Trainer was something that had always put me off in the past but working in a pair has reduced that and you get the added bonus of seeing each other develop. Liz’s developing strength has motivated me to try harder too. I hope to continue with motive8 as long as I am fit and able and Liz has even set me a target of a family 10k. I have only managed 4k so far, but who knows?
Clare Williamson

My Motive8 experience has had a huge positive impact on my life. Before I googled 'Personal Training Leeds’ I was on the slippery slope of putting weight on through lack of exercise, working long hours and bad eating habits (including plenty of corporate lunches) when I decided something needed to change!
At that time despite working long hours I managed to start prioritising my workouts, training 4 times a week. I also changed the focus on my food, and started eating a much healthier, balanced diet and cut down on alcohol. This had a huge impact on my weight, helping my lose over two stone and drop two dress sizes.
In May 2015 I gave birth to my little boy, Jenny trained me throughout my pregnancy keeping me in shape and helping to minimise any excess weight gain! Once I could start exercising again after my pregnancy I was back into my personal training sessions, and gradually lost any post-pregnancy weight, body fat and inches. Due to work and family commitments I couldn't train as often as before, but with Jenny keeping a close eye on my food and setting me specific training plans, I was able to hit my goals.
I love training, I'm no longer afraid of the weights area and am on track for mastering being able to do a full pull up. I still have many corporate events I need to attend but knowing which are the healthy food choices I should make helps to keep me on track and I've now maintained my pre-pregnancy weight and dress size for the last two years.
Latest results
- men
- women
Name: Phil Howe
Age: 28
Inches Lost: 44
% Body Fat
96.3 kg
99.7 cm
76 kg
77 cm
Name: Simon Price
Age: 44
Inches Lost: 20
% Body Fat
72 kg
89 cm
78 kg
78 cm
Name: Steve Copsey
Age: 30
Inches Lost: 25
% Body Fat
77.2 kg
83.5 cm
64.8 kg
69 cm
Name: Stephen Tweddle
Age: 45
Inches Lost: 25.5
% Body Fat
101.5 kg
98 cm
90.3 kg
87 cm
Name: Ruby Briggs
Age: 58
Inches Lost: 80 inches
% Body Fat
14stone 4lb
42 inches
10stone 1.6lb
27.5 inches
Name: Sophie Bambra
Age: 26
Inches Lost: 16.5
% Body Fat
83.7 kg
83 cm
76 kg
75.5 cm
Name: Adele O'Toole
Age: 43
Inches Lost: 10
% Body Fat
70.9 kg
78.5 cm
69.3 kg
75 cm
Name: Lesley Hastings
Age: 68
Inches Lost: 19
% Body Fat
9 stone 1.8lb
85 cm
8 stone 5lb
68 cm
Name: Clare Williamson
Age: 40
Inches Lost: 40
% Body Fat
10 stone 3.4lb
29.25 inches
8 stone 7.6lb
24 inches
About Us
When the idea of motive8 first came about in 2011, we had two main goals. Firstly, to get results with our clients. We believe our testimonials speak for themselves! Secondly, to create an exercise community where people enjoyed to exercise, and we’d like to think we’ve achieved that too!
We’re a bunch of results driven personal trainers, but the key to getting results is to get people to enjoy what they are doing. Results don’t always have to mean getting a PB in a 10k, losing 4 stone (although we’re pretty good at achieving these types of goals too), results can simply mean being more active and eating healthier.
We’re not the type of personal trainers to turn up, put you through your paces and buzz off, nor do we keep our trade secrets close to our chests! We love to share our knowledge so you can achieve your goals and are empowered to make healthy lifestyle choices. We also support you every step of the way. We’re in this for the long run….are you?
Read moreAnd it’s the tale of the take; the story of the titans; the moment of truth, this is MOTIVE8 GAMES!
When it’s the 21st September 2022, its National Fitness day! A day we acknowledge and challenge our own fitness – Nationally. A day we get to compete and meet new people. A day we have fun, get fit and enter into the spirit of friendly competition.
This is a free to attend event so feel free to bring family, friends, kids, pets and your pride. The games are in mixed teams of 4. The list of games is/but not limited to:
- Tyre flips in a minute
- Egg on spoon
- Pilates ball shot put
- Sprint relay
- Obstacle course
- Keg hold
Whilst these games are just meant as a little bit of fun, here are some little insights into the events to help you train for them!
Tyre flips are a very similar movement to deadlifts and our tyre weighs in at around 75kg.
Egg on spoon is all about balance and hand-eye coordination.
Pilates ball shot put uses a 2kg pilates ball which is thrown the furthest possible distance with one arm.
Sprint relay is a team sport and usually where we see the competitiveness really show! You need to have explosive power to be quick off the mark!
The obstacle course won’t actually be designed until the time; but all round functional fitness is key – think rowing, speed ladders, battle ropes!
If you fancy a bit of fitness fun, get that team together and come and take part. Can your team win the trophy?
Recipes & Nutrition
Stuck for inspiration with your meals then why not try one of our simple, healthy recipes to add some variety to your diet. Don’t worry our meals aren’t only lettuce leaves and lentils nor do they take hours to make. Just like you, we love quick, simple but tasty healthy meals which everyone enjoys. We even enjoy the odd healthy treat, so take a look for some nutritional inspiration!
Read moreWorkouts & Training Tips
Try one of our weekly workouts to spice up your training routine, our workouts are often focused on routines which you can do without any kit, at any place and any time, so no excuses!
Delve into the minds of the personal training team at motive8 as they share their top training secrets, motivational tips and training routines.
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Bridal Training
Let the expert personal trainers at motive8 help you look and feel amazing on your Wedding day. Whether you choose our Do It In 12 Package, have 1:1 sessions or train with your partner-to-be or bridesmaids, we will help you get in shape for your big day.
Read more1:1 & Group Personal Training in Leeds
Regardless of your exercise experience, working with a personal trainer can seem pretty daunting. Put your worries to one side and let us show you how you can achieve your goals. At motive8 we believe our job as personal trainers, is not only to motivate you, but to educate you so your new healthy habits become part of your lifestyle for the long term. We’re not into quick fixes, we want to show you how to make your healthy lifestyle become part of your everyday life.
All of our sessions are tailored towards you, your goals, your lifestyle. We understand that personal training is not only a financial investment, but also an investment of your time and we want you to get the best results from this investment. That’s why we only employ highly qualified, knowledgeable, inspirational personal trainers to work with you. Our expert personal training team include Nutritionists & Weight Loss Specialists, Biomechanics Coaches, Sports Science Graduates, Sports Therapists and Yoga Instructors.
Whatever your goal, we can help you to achieve it. We have great success with a wide variety of clients. Whether you want to run your first 5k, do a triathlon, lose weight or drop a dress size or two or simply become more healthy and active we can help.
Whether you choose 1:1 personal training, group personal training or online training your journey starts with an initial consultation so we can discuss your individual needs and how we are going to achieve your goals. Tailored, personalised workouts, lifestyle and nutritional support all come as standard.
During your first training session we perform a series of movement screens to make sure you are moving efficiently and help us to address any imbalances. We perform a health assessment based on your goals, set short term and long term goals and review these every 6 weeks to make sure you’re making the right progress towards your long term goals.
Even if you’re not in a training session, we’re always at the end of a phone to support you. Feel like you can’t be bothered to have a workout, then pick up the phone, and we’ll give you some motivational words of wisdom to get you there!
If you’re looking for results but need the support and advice from the experts then give the personal training team a call or drop us a line to book your complimentary consultation.
When I first got in touch with motive8, the brief was ‘help me be Fit and Fifty, not Fat & Fifty!’.
Without the effort and help from the team at motive8, it just wouldn’t have been possible for me to achieve the results I have. In time for my big ‘FIVE-0′ birthday, I lost over 4 stone and a total of 74 inches, dropping my body fat from 39% to 24.5%.
8 years later I’m still training with motive8, I’ve maintained my weight and dress size and the weekly sessions with Jenny help to keep me on track to staying healthy and in great shape!
Ruby Briggs, motive8 Personal Training Client
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A Healthier You In 12 Weeks
Do It In 12 is our unique 12 week personal training package. A fitter, leaner, stronger, healthier you…whatever your goals…12 weeks is all it takes to create long lasting, healthier habits for a lifetime.
The starting pistol, a whistle, a bell….everything needs a great starting point to take you on your journey. And that’s what Do It In 12 does – creates a brilliant start point of good habits for the rest of your life. If you’re tired of making and breaking the same promises to ‘get fitter’, ‘be more active’, ‘eat better’, ‘lose weight’ then Do It In 12 is for you.
Based on two personal training sessions per week, we start your journey with a complimentary consultation and assessment, where your goals and what it takes to achieve these are agreed. You may agree to do more exercise, we’ll ask you to track your nutrition and we’ll give you as much support as you need to hit your goals. You commit to what it takes to achieve your goals with your trainer at the start, and by the end of 12 weeks your new, healthy habits will be part of your day to day routine and the road to long term success.
What You Receive
2 x personal training sessions per week designed with you and your goals in mind
Bespoke training plan updated every 4 weeks
Progress measurements every 4 weeks, with key measurements taken every 2 weeks
Nutritional support including recommendations of the right balance of macro-nutrients to achieve your results plus weekly nutritional feedback
Do It In 12 is not a quick fix, it’s the start of something wonderful. A healthier, more active, fitter you. Someone for whom being active and eating healthy is simply part of your lifestyle. Are you ready to ‘Do it in 12?’
I’m getting married in October this year and Do It In 12 was the perfect thing to help me to get into shape and look my best! I’ve made a few vague attempts to lose weight in the last couple of years, but never stuck at anything. I knew that the structure of Do It In 12 and the constant support from Kate, my PT, would make all the difference – and it did!
A big challenge was getting over my fear of going to the gym by myself. It sounds silly looking back, but I was so intimidated and nervous that I just didn’t go at all. I’m so much more confident now and actually enjoy going!
So far I’ve lost 16lbs and 5% body fat, but there are more things I’ve achieved too such as knocking 4 minutes off my 5k PB and I can now train with weights, something I was completely clueless about before.
Sophie Bambra, motive8 personal training client
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Our 6 Week Results Package is Personal Training with a Difference!
Our 6 Week Package not only includes bespoke training programmes (for use in and outside our sessions), but will also give you all the nutritional and lifestyle support you need to achieve your results.
This package is perfectly tailored for busy people as each session is 45 minutes long.
You can choose from 1-2 x weekly Personal Training sessions:
1 x PT session per week = £199.00
2 x PT sessions per week = £385.00
Now is the time to fulfil your fitness goals.
Talk to a Personal Trainer Today !
call or drop us a line to book your complimentary consultation.
When I first got in touch with motive8, the brief was ‘help me be Fit and Fifty, not Fat & Fifty!’.
Without the effort and help from the team at motive8, it just wouldn’t have been possible for me to achieve the results I have. In time for my big ‘FIVE-0′ birthday, I lost over 4 stone and a total of 74 inches, dropping my body fat from 39% to 24.5%.
8 years later I’m still training with motive8, I’ve maintained my weight and dress size and the weekly sessions with Jenny help to keep me on track to staying healthy and in great shape!
Ruby Briggs, motive8 Personal Training Client
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Optimise Your Results With 1:1 Coaching
Personal training can achieve amazing results, with the team providing support not just on exercise and nutrition but also on other lifestyle factors such as sleep and stress, but sometimes we also need to get a deeper understanding of why someone might not be achieving their goals and this is where Optimise Coaching comes in.
Most of us know what we “should” be doing but find it difficult to actually do it; this is where coaching can help to unravel YOUR why and YOUR how. Coaching can dig deeper into what is holding you back from reaching your potential. You might be surprised at what you discover. It might not be the diet that is holding you back but a limiting belief or story that you keep telling yourself. With coaching you have a someone to guide you into the things you cannot yet see, after all, you do not know what you do not know. If you feel like you have tried everything in the book, but nothing has worked it is time for something new.
What Is Optimise Coaching?
- Coaching understands that you, the client, is the expert and that you have the answers that you need to unlock your own potential.
- A partnership and co-created relationship between coach and client. The coach acts a guide and support to help you towards change and discovery.
- Coaching is a process of understanding your how’s and whys.
- Coaching meets you where you are at now and helps you move towards where you want to be.
- A process of uncovering and moving forward.
What Are the Benefits?
- Self-discovery on limitations and beliefs.
- Empowerment and self-efficacy.
- Understanding your how and why.
- Accountability and committed actions towards goals.
- Creating healthier habits.
- Individualised to YOU and YOUR needs and circumstance.
What Coaching Is Not…
- It is not someone to tell you what to do but someone to help you discover your own needs and capabilities.
- Therapy or counselling. Sometimes conversation will go into past feelings, but it is about how to move forward from that and not to stay there.
How Does Optimise Coaching Work?
- The Optimise Coaching programme is 12 weeks. Sessions are 1hr long, performed online and held at a mutually convenient time. We will usually meet at weekly intervals, but this can be flexible depending on work/holiday schedule and sometimes integration time. We co-create the agreements for your end goal and every week will take steps to focusing on that. The coaching process is fluid and adaptable, always meeting you where you are at on the day and focusing on the most important thing which can help you to take a step towards change.
- You can sign up for our Optimise Coaching package, or you can sign up for the Optimise Coaching Plus package which combines Optimise Coaching and our successful Do It In 12 Programme to maximise your results.
Why 12 Weeks?
- Lasting change takes time. The longer time allows us to build trust and safety within the relationship which in turn will help to work deeper on what is holding you back.
- The success rate from our Do It In 12 package is phenomenal when looking at creating habits and routine.
- Sometimes, it will take longer than 12 weeks, but this can be reviewed after our initial time together. You may uncover your potential in less than this time but there is always something a new goal and something we can go deeper on.
When I first got in touch with motive8, the brief was ‘help me be Fit and Fifty, not Fat & Fifty!’.
Without the effort and help from the team at motive8, it just wouldn’t have been possible for me to achieve the results I have. In time for my big ‘FIVE-0′ birthday, I lost over 4 stone and a total of 74 inches, dropping my body fat from 39% to 24.5%.
8 years later I’m still training with motive8, I’ve maintained my weight and dress size and the weekly sessions with Jenny help to keep me on track to staying healthy and in great shape!
Ruby Briggs, motive8 Personal Training Client
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Marshall Court
Services Offered
1:1 and small group personal training
Small Group Fitness Classes
7 Marshall Court
Marshall Street
LS11 9YP
Free onsite parking
Saxton Fitness Studio
Services Offered
Saxton is our semi-private personal training studio, where we offer 1:1 and small group personal training
The Avenue
Richmond Hill
Free onsite parking
Contact us on 0113 2430161 or email [email protected]