A Healthier You In 12 Weeks

Do It In 12 is our unique 12 week personal training package. A fitter, leaner, stronger, healthier you…whatever your goals…12 weeks is all it takes to create long lasting, healthier habits for a lifetime.

The starting pistol, a whistle, a bell….everything needs a great starting point to take you on your journey. And that’s what Do It In 12 does – creates a brilliant start point of good habits for the rest of your life. If you’re tired of making and breaking the same promises to ‘get fitter’, ‘be more active’, ‘eat better’, ‘lose weight’ then Do It In 12 is for you.

Based on two personal training sessions per week, we start your journey with a complimentary consultation and assessment, where your goals and what it takes to achieve these are agreed. You may agree to do more exercise, we’ll ask you to track your nutrition and we’ll give you as much support as you need to hit your goals. You commit to what it takes to achieve your goals with your trainer at the start, and by the end of 12 weeks your new, healthy habits will be part of your day to day routine and the road to long term success.

What You Receive

2 x personal training sessions per week designed with you and your goals in mind
Bespoke training plan updated every 4 weeks
Progress measurements every 4 weeks, with key measurements taken every 2 weeks
Nutritional support including recommendations of the right balance of macro-nutrients to achieve your results plus weekly nutritional feedback

Do It In 12 is not a quick fix, it’s the start of something wonderful. A healthier, more active, fitter you. Someone for whom being active and eating healthy is simply part of your lifestyle. Are you ready to ‘Do it in 12?’

I’m getting married in October this year and Do It In 12 was the perfect thing to help me to get into shape and look my best! I’ve made a few vague attempts to lose weight in the last couple of years, but never stuck at anything. I knew that the structure of Do It In 12 and the constant support from Kate, my PT, would make all the difference – and it did!

A big challenge was getting over my fear of going to the gym by myself. It sounds silly looking back, but I was so intimidated and nervous that I just didn’t go at all. I’m so much more confident now and actually enjoy going!

So far I’ve lost 16lbs and 5% body fat, but there are more things I’ve achieved too such as knocking 4 minutes off my 5k PB and I can now train with weights, something I was completely clueless about before.

Sophie Bambra, motive8 personal training client