Diet | homepage | Low Fat | Nutrition

Breakfast baked apples

This recipe is one of my favourite go-to’s now. It’s so delicious. It’s taken from a “moon-time” recipe book which focuses on balancing female hormones through her menstrual cycle. But don’t let that put you men off. I serve my breakfast baked apples with my homemade kefir but you could try a high protein yogurt […]

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Exercise | homepage | Informative | Motivation | Training | Wellbeing

Periodisation for Fitness: Not Just for Athletes, but for Your Holiday Goals Too!

When people hear the term “periodisation,” they often think of athletes meticulously planning their training for competitions or races. However, periodisation isn’t just for elite sports—it’s a powerful tool that can help anyone achieve their fitness goals, including getting in shape for that upcoming holiday. By understanding and applying the principles of periodisation, you can […]

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A Day In The Life of a PT | homepage | Informative | Lifestyle | Motivation | Training | Wellbeing

A Personal Trainers Training Story

Kate recently shared a social post on what our personal trainers goals are here at Motive8 North. This got me thinking a bit about my goals, why and what I train and my fitness journey. Unlike the rest of the team, who seemed to be working towards a competition, one of my main goals is […]

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Exercise | Fitness | homepage | Training

Bicep Curls in the Squat Rack – Some Alternatives!

If you Google “curls in the squat rack”, some of the memes which are returned are hilarious. The argument goes that the squat rack is a specialised piece of equipment predominantly used for big compound lifts like squats and rack pulls; whereas dumbbell curls can be done anywhere else in the gym – so don’t […]

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homepage | Injury | Personal Training | strength | Training

Mobility training – why we should all do it.

I (Emily), wrote a blog a few years ago about the difference between flexibility and mobility. These two are often used interchangeably but is not actually correct. Many people do want to be “flexible” but being “mobile” is the better option. And I’ll let you know why we should all train in mobility. Since, I […]

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Diet | Exercise | Fitness | Health | homepage | Mindset | Motivation | Nutrition | Training

Sustainable Weight Loss

Our personal training clients work with us for many reasons Whilst weight loss isn’t the primary motivation for some people, it can still often feature high on the agenda as a reason to work with a personal trainer. During a client’s consultation we will often hear about how new clients have lost weight in the […]

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Diet | Health | homepage | Informative | Lifestyle | Nutrition | Wellbeing

Navigating Nutrition: Ultra-Processed Foods and Your Health

Our predictions of fitness trends for 2024 included a focus on ultra-processed food and your health. And we were right! These energy dense, low nutrient, additive filled, convenient and reasonably cheap foods; are widely available and may already form part of your diet without you even properly realising it. But surely everything is ok in […]

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A Day In The Life of a PT | Diet | Health | High protein | homepage | Nutrition

What does 100g look like – meat edition.

Ok, this is bit of a fake title. A while ago Kate wrote a blog on what 100g looks like [in veggies], and it has been our most popular blog. I was asked to write a meat edition and take photos; I only do my shopping once a week and there isn’t a different daily […]

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Exercise | Fitness | homepage | Informative | News | Recovery | Top Tips | Training

Top Tips For Coping With DOMS

I completed my first solo Hyrox on Sunday. On Monday I was semi smug as nothing really hurt, ‘hey my training has really paid off’ I thought. Then Tuesday came and – boom – everything other than my fingers and toes hurt. Not just movement hurt, but even putting my leggings on over my muscles […]

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Challenge | Exercise | homepage | Informative | Motivation | Training | Workout

Can You Really Burn 1000 Calories Doing 20 Minutes of HIIT?

We all know that High Intensity Interval Training is great for torching calories, reducing body fat and improving general well-being. But then we came across this question online “Can you really burn 1000 calories doing 20 minutes of HIIT?” and we accepted the challenge! The workout is on the link here. It was inspired by […]

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Health | homepage | Mental Health | Nutrition | Recovery

National Fitness Day – Nutrition and Recovery

Wednesday 20th September marked National Fitness Day; a celebration of the positive effects of physical activity. This year the highlight wasn’t just on physical activity but incorporated overall health including nutrition and recovery and mental health. We want to encourage all beings of all ages and abilities to recognise the importance of life-long physical and […]

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High protein | homepage | Nutrition | Recipes

Emily’s dad’s Bobotie Recipe

If you’ve ever been to South Africa you would likely have come across a dish called Bobotie (pronounced Ba-boor-tea). It’s a national dish of South Africa and in my opinion very yummy, but then I could be biased having been brought up in South Africa with a South African dad. Bobotie was always a good […]

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Fitness | Health | homepage | Personal Training | Running | Top Tips | Training

Run The Abbey Dash – 8 Weeks To Go

At the time of writing this there are around 8 weeks to go until the Leeds Abbey Dash, if you live in Leeds you’ve probably heard of this annual 10k run. It’s a key event in many runners’ diaries. You may be sat reading this thinking I’d love to do the Abbey Dash, but…..I’ve never […]

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