Posts in “Training”

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Periodisation for Fitness: Not Just for Athletes, but for Your Holiday Goals Too!

When people hear the term “periodisation,” they often think of athletes meticulously planning their training for competitions or races. However, periodisation isn’t just for elite sports—it’s a powerful tool that can help anyone achieve their fitness goals, including getting in shape for that upcoming holiday. By understanding and applying the principles of periodisation, you can […]

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A Day In The Life of a PT | homepage | Informative | Lifestyle | Motivation | Training | Wellbeing

A Personal Trainers Training Story

Kate recently shared a social post on what our personal trainers goals are here at Motive8 North. This got me thinking a bit about my goals, why and what I train and my fitness journey. Unlike the rest of the team, who seemed to be working towards a competition, one of my main goals is […]

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Exercise | Fitness | homepage | Training

Bicep Curls in the Squat Rack – Some Alternatives!

If you Google “curls in the squat rack”, some of the memes which are returned are hilarious. The argument goes that the squat rack is a specialised piece of equipment predominantly used for big compound lifts like squats and rack pulls; whereas dumbbell curls can be done anywhere else in the gym – so don’t […]

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homepage | Injury | Personal Training | strength | Training

Mobility training – why we should all do it.

I (Emily), wrote a blog a few years ago about the difference between flexibility and mobility. These two are often used interchangeably but is not actually correct. Many people do want to be “flexible” but being “mobile” is the better option. And I’ll let you know why we should all train in mobility. Since, I […]

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A Day In The Life of a PT | Exercise | Fitness | homepage | Informative | Personal Training | strength | Training

Personal Training Client Journey – Alice Rodwell

Some of you may have read our social post a couple of months ago about Alice. Alice has shown commitment to achieving her goals but also the story I’d like to tell here is about how it’s important to recognise that goals can change, which is why it’s important to continually re-assess your goals and […]

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Diet | Exercise | Fitness | Health | homepage | Mindset | Motivation | Nutrition | Training

Sustainable Weight Loss

Our personal training clients work with us for many reasons Whilst weight loss isn’t the primary motivation for some people, it can still often feature high on the agenda as a reason to work with a personal trainer. During a client’s consultation we will often hear about how new clients have lost weight in the […]

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Exercise | Fitness | homepage | Informative | News | Recovery | Top Tips | Training

Top Tips For Coping With DOMS

I completed my first solo Hyrox on Sunday. On Monday I was semi smug as nothing really hurt, ‘hey my training has really paid off’ I thought. Then Tuesday came and – boom – everything other than my fingers and toes hurt. Not just movement hurt, but even putting my leggings on over my muscles […]

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Challenge | Exercise | homepage | Informative | Motivation | Training | Workout

Can You Really Burn 1000 Calories Doing 20 Minutes of HIIT?

We all know that High Intensity Interval Training is great for torching calories, reducing body fat and improving general well-being. But then we came across this question online “Can you really burn 1000 calories doing 20 minutes of HIIT?” and we accepted the challenge! The workout is on the link here. It was inspired by […]

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homepage | Mindset | Personal Training | Training

Secrets of a Personal Trainer – Keeping Clients on Track

When we take on new personal training clients, I tend to find they often fall into one of two categories: Whatever someone’s exercise experience, nutritional knowledge motivation levels will vary from person to person. So, as personal trainers, how do we go about keeping our clients on track? Accountability – Accountability with PT clients comes […]

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Fitness | Health | homepage | Personal Training | Running | Top Tips | Training

Run The Abbey Dash – 8 Weeks To Go

At the time of writing this there are around 8 weeks to go until the Leeds Abbey Dash, if you live in Leeds you’ve probably heard of this annual 10k run. It’s a key event in many runners’ diaries. You may be sat reading this thinking I’d love to do the Abbey Dash, but…..I’ve never […]

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Exercise | Fitness | homepage | Informative | Top Tips | Training

Tips For Training In The Heat

With scorching temperatures and high humidity, training in the heat can be hard! The body has to work harder because the conditions are tougher. Combine this with your body’s core temperature increasing, putting you at risk of heat exhaustion – we know it can be tempting to hit the beer gardens instead of doing a […]

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Jenny’s Half Iron Man Adventures

On Sunday 21st May I completed my second half iron man, the Outlaw Nottingham Half Iron Man. If you haven’t heard of a half iron man before then it consists of a 1.2 mile swim, followed by a 56 mile bike ride, finished with a half marathon (13.1 miles). Phew! I did a half iron […]

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Exercise | Fitness | homepage | Training | Workout

How To Train Like a Rugby Player

Our workout today is inspired by the Women’s Six Nations Championship which comes to a close at the end of this month. As fans of any sport here at motive8, we are always in awe of the training regime people follow. So here’s our little workout designed to mimic training like a rugby player! Strength […]

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How To Improve Your Sleep

The 17th March was not only St Patrick’s Day but also World Sleep Day. When looking at improving our health and wellbeing, improving our sleep is often overlooked….sleep is often something we take for granted. But we all know how we feel when we don’t have a good night sleep….groggy & grouchy, more likely to […]

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Leeds Marathon – Can You Do Marathon Training On Two Runs Per Week?

It’s super exciting that Leeds is hosting it’s very own marathon for a good few years this year. The last time there was a marathon in Leeds was in 2003, so the Rob Burrow Leeds Marathon will be welcomed by runners in Leeds this year! (If I wasn’t doing a Half Iron Man the week […]

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