Posts in “Diet”

Diet | homepage | Low Fat | Nutrition

Breakfast baked apples

This recipe is one of my favourite go-to’s now. It’s so delicious. It’s taken from a “moon-time” recipe book which focuses on balancing female hormones through her menstrual cycle. But don’t let that put you men off. I serve my breakfast baked apples with my homemade kefir but you could try a high protein yogurt […]

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Diet | Health | High protein | homepage | Top Tips

Are Protein Bars Good For You?

Protein bars can be a healthy addition to your diet, but their nutritional value can vary widely based on their ingredients and your personal health goals. Here are some factors to consider when determining if protein bars are good for you: Convenient Source of Protein Double Check the Ingredients Choose the Right Bar We looked […]

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Diet | Exercise | Fitness | Health | homepage | Mindset | Motivation | Nutrition | Training

Sustainable Weight Loss

Our personal training clients work with us for many reasons Whilst weight loss isn’t the primary motivation for some people, it can still often feature high on the agenda as a reason to work with a personal trainer. During a client’s consultation we will often hear about how new clients have lost weight in the […]

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Diet | Health | homepage | Informative | Lifestyle | Nutrition | Wellbeing

Navigating Nutrition: Ultra-Processed Foods and Your Health

Our predictions of fitness trends for 2024 included a focus on ultra-processed food and your health. And we were right! These energy dense, low nutrient, additive filled, convenient and reasonably cheap foods; are widely available and may already form part of your diet without you even properly realising it. But surely everything is ok in […]

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A Day In The Life of a PT | Diet | Health | High protein | homepage | Nutrition

What does 100g look like – meat edition.

Ok, this is bit of a fake title. A while ago Kate wrote a blog on what 100g looks like [in veggies], and it has been our most popular blog. I was asked to write a meat edition and take photos; I only do my shopping once a week and there isn’t a different daily […]

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Diet | homepage | Low Fat | Nutrition | Recipes

Healthy Strawberries And Cream Ice Lollies

Wimbledon may have been and gone when you’re reading this, but that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy these super easy, super healthy strawberries and cream ice lollies. They are perfect for a nice Summers day and if you have kids, they will love them! This recipe takes little effort, and is also great if you […]

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Abdominal muscle | Diet | Exercise | Fitness | Health | homepage | Informative | Top Tips | Training | Workout

Help to avoid a stitch!

Raise your hand if you’ve ever had a stitch whilst walking quicker than your usual pace! Some studies say that a stitch comes from a build-up of lactic acid. Others that a stitch is caused by eating and drinking too quickly before exercise. More recently, studies suggest a stitch is caused by irritation of the […]

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Anabolism | Building Muscle | Catabolic | Diet | Exercise | Health | homepage | Informative | Training

Metabolisms – What is fact and what is fiction?

Metabolism is the technical term for the process by which your body converts food into energy. However, this seemingly innocuous process is the root of much frustration, anger and resentment in the fitness world. People who struggle with losing weight will complain of too slow a metabolism and the frustration of gaining weight by even […]

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Anabolism | Building Muscle | Diet | homepage | Training

Gaining Muscle Mass – Top tips and tricks

Many people who go to the gym do so because they either want to lose weight, primarily in the form of body fat, and/or because they want to put more muscle onto their frame. Losing weight attracts a lot of focus because it is definitely the most popular goal among gym goers, however putting on […]

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Diet | Fitness | Health | homepage | Informative | Lifestyle | Mental Health | Mindset | Motivation | Psychology | Wellbeing

Mental Health and Fitness – A Complicated Relationship

Today I wanted to write about a topic slightly different from the usual blog. Often, especially as a person working in the fitness industry, it is easy to have blinders on and only focus on the technical aspects of training: nutrition and health. We become so focused on HOW you should be training that we […]

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Diet | Fitness | Health | High protein | homepage | Nutrition | Recipes

A Day of Eating – What do I eat and why?

At motive8 we do our very best to give straightforward lifestyle advice and recommendations to help supplement the training you do with us. But its also really important to practice what you preach! So with April 7th, World Health Day, having just passed, I thought it would be a good idea to break down what […]

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Anabolism | Building Muscle | Catabolic | Diet | Fitness | Health | High protein | Lifestyle | Low Fat | Nutrition | Recipes | Supplements | Vegetarian | Weight Loss | Wellbeing

What is the best diet for me?

It’s really tricky nowadays working out what kind of diet is right for you. There is so much information, accurate, bogus or contested, that circulates all over our social media, the TV and in our conversations with others. Today I’m going to break down some of the essential information for you to make an informed […]

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Diet | High protein | homepage | Quick meals | Recipes | Vegetarian

Coconut Dahl with butternut squash

Thinking about what to eat for dinner for the week is a tedious task for most people I know, including me. During lockdown it became even more tedious when we had to think about what to eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner for 7 days and do the food shop accordingly. We let Gousto boxes […]

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Challenge | Diet | Health | homepage | Nutrition | Vegetarian

Veg Pledge

Throughout the north of November, Cancer Research UK have a fundraising event called “Veg Pledge”. The challenge is to go vegetarian or vegan for 1 month. You can sign up at cancer research if you would like to raise funds or alternatively you can just take a personal challenge. Government guidelines are to eat 5 […]

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Diet | homepage | Low Fat | Quick meals | Vegetarian

Simple Fennel Soup

So, it’s the beginning of November, the clocks have changed back, the rain has started, and according to an article I read at the weekend, the day the clocks change is an acceptable time to turn your heating on. That can only mean one more thing: it’s soup season. Here is a simple fennel soup […]

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