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Healthy Strawberries And Cream Ice Lollies

Wimbledon may have been and gone when you’re reading this, but that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy these super easy, super healthy strawberries and cream ice lollies. They are perfect for a nice Summers day and if you have kids, they will love them! This recipe takes little effort, and is also great if you […]

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Tips For Training In The Heat

With scorching temperatures and high humidity, training in the heat can be hard! The body has to work harder because the conditions are tougher. Combine this with your body’s core temperature increasing, putting you at risk of heat exhaustion – we know it can be tempting to hit the beer gardens instead of doing a […]

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Jenny’s Half Iron Man Adventures

On Sunday 21st May I completed my second half iron man, the Outlaw Nottingham Half Iron Man. If you haven’t heard of a half iron man before then it consists of a 1.2 mile swim, followed by a 56 mile bike ride, finished with a half marathon (13.1 miles). Phew! I did a half iron […]

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How To Train Like a Rugby Player

Our workout today is inspired by the Women’s Six Nations Championship which comes to a close at the end of this month. As fans of any sport here at motive8, we are always in awe of the training regime people follow. So here’s our little workout designed to mimic training like a rugby player! Strength […]

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How To Improve Your Sleep

The 17th March was not only St Patrick’s Day but also World Sleep Day. When looking at improving our health and wellbeing, improving our sleep is often overlooked….sleep is often something we take for granted. But we all know how we feel when we don’t have a good night sleep….groggy & grouchy, more likely to […]

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Accessory Moves and Why They Are Important.

With the start of our first ever Women’s Only Strength Workshop in March, we have been posting a lot on social media about exercises to build stronger squats, or better deadlifts and so on. These are what we call “accessory moves”, and this blog explains what we mean by this, and why they are important. […]

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Easy Wins To Stay Motivated

We’re getting towards the end of February, now is often the time we may see motivation levels begin to wane. If this resonates with you, firstly, don’t beat yourself up….it’s only natural for our motivation levels to vary day to day, week on week. Secondly, if it does resonate then now is the time to […]

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Why You Should Have A Personal Trainer

It’s that time of year when, post-Christmas, everyone feels like they should be getting fitter, improving their diet, achieving 10,000 steps per day etc, etc. But sometimes thinking about where to start can be confusing. What should you be eating? How many times per week should you be training? How many macros should you be […]

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Personal Training – What Is Do It In 12?

Do it in 12 is our guaranteed results personal training package. It’s tailor made to you, your goals and your commitments and lifestyle. Many of our previous Do It In 12 clients have used this 12 week programme as a catalyst to a healthier lifestyle, becoming more active or getting in shape for a particular […]

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What is Tapering and why do we do it?

Let’s start by looking at the definition of tapering. Verb: Diminish or reduce in thickness towards the end. Noun: A gradual narrowing. Whether ‘taper’ is described as a verb or a noun, the fact is that it means ‘reduction happens towards the end.’ It won’t surprise you then that tapering in sports involves decreasing training in […]

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Glute Workout for Runners

Your gluteus maximus is the largest, most powerful muscle to work against gravity. It is the main muscle responsible for keeping our torso upright in an erect position. It’s the chief muscle that aids in walking up stairs. Not only is the gluteus maximus involved in high-power and speed sports such as running, it’s also […]

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Workout for Shot Put

Explosive Power. Technique. Balance. Timing.  Those are the four attributes that – when perfected – demonstrates the perfect shot put! But nobody is born with the ability to produce the perfect shot put because nobody is born with those four attributes. They’re not passed down through genetics, they’re enhanced through workouts and training; perfected with […]

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Help to avoid a stitch!

Raise your hand if you’ve ever had a stitch whilst walking quicker than your usual pace! Some studies say that a stitch comes from a build-up of lactic acid. Others that a stitch is caused by eating and drinking too quickly before exercise. More recently, studies suggest a stitch is caused by irritation of the […]

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