Posted on December 29, 2015 by Jenny Cromack

New Year’s Eve is over, most of us will have been at a party, some of us will have spent the last few days indulging in food and booze, some of us will have kept on track but may still be thinking about New Year Resolutions. So, this weekend, in addition to getting out for a walk and being active, why not spend some time planning how you will achieve your goals for 2016.

achieving goals

Here are our top 5 tips to achieving your goals in 2016.

1. Grab a coffee somewhere (or make that a herbal tea if you’re giving up caffeine!) or go for a walk and take some time out to work out what is important for YOU to achieve. Try doing this at work or when the kids are around and you won’t fully concentrate so hide away somewhere and take some time to think….

2. Focus on what is important to YOU.…forget about what you think other people think you should achieve. Forget about what your friends are doing, focus on YOU! If your goals are important to you, you are more likely to achieve them.

3. Prioritise. If you are anything like me, once I start to think about things I would like to achieve, then all of a sudden an avalanche of goals appear. Before long you will have set so many goals, it will be impossible to focus on which is the most important. By all means, write all of your goals down, but then prioritise them and focus on achieving the top 2 or 3 goals first. Once you have ticked these off you can then move on to the next goals.

4. Write down your goals, but more importantly write down how you are going to achieve them. It’s easy to write down your goals, but without knowing how you’re going to achieve them you won’t achieve them so come up with a plan of action!

5.  Share your goals with your friends and family. The more people you can have supporting you in achieving your goals the more successful you will be. Those who care about you and realise how important your goals are will support you.

We hope these tips help you successfully achieve your goals in 2016. And remember, the motive8 North team are always here for help and advice if needed. Make it happen!