Posted on August 23, 2016 by Jenny Cromack

Everyone has been there, you’ve got a 10k coming up that you want to get a PB, however the last four 10k’s have resulted in identical or worse times. The pressure to run a PB is on, you end up running more miles and yet end up with a similar time. Your 10k race time has plateaued.  If you’re in this position follow these top tips to beat your 10k time. Commit to following them for at least 12 weeks and see how your race performance improves.

beat your 10k time

  • Cut your volume down by 20%. Most recreational runners complete far too many garbage miles. Been in a constant state of fatigues means you’re unable to reach the speed required during high speed interval running. Which by the way will be the key running modality to improve your running performance.
  • Improve your running skill. Often when I talk about running mechanics to recreational runners, I get a raised eyebrow, a sarcastic comment, and then some resistance. Developing running skill is a huge component of effective performance, subtle changes in joint angles, timings, and movement speed can have huge effects on running economy and therefore race pace. It will take months if not years to improve your running skill, it’s not simply a case of completing a handful of drills every now and then.
  • Strength Training 2x per Week. Yes this old chestnut again, I mean real strength training, getting as strong as possible in relation to your body weight, particularly in the split squat, Romanian Deadlift and hang clean. Once again form is paramount, if you complete these movements regularly it will also assist your flexibility development, end range of strength, rate of force development, and reduce the likelihood of overuse injuries.
  • Drop 16lbs. Realistically if you can drop more, do it. But 1 lb a week over 16 weeks will go along way to improve your race performance, less mass to carry means you can move much faster, and for longer on less fuel. Everyone can drop some weight, male long distance runners typically weigh around 58-62kg.
  • Complete this Interval regime 2x per week for the first 8 weeks of the program. You can get a pretty good HR Max estimate by subtracting your age from 220
    • 4mins at 85-90% HR Max
    • 3 mins at 60% HR Max
      • Repeat x 4

There you have it a couple of simple tips that you can implement immediately to beat your 10k time. Let  me know how you get on.