Hill Sprint Workouts


Posted on August 28, 2014 by Jenny Cromack

The number one rule on doing a hill sprint training session is to ensure that you’re warmed up. Sprints are a powerful action which put a lot of demand on the body and it is vitally important to ensure you are nicely warmed up.

Warm up
Complete a steady run and then follow with
10 jump squats
10 jump lunges
Repeat x 2

These following hill sprint workouts are perfect for increasing your pace and power, both on the flat and on the hills.

Workout 1:

Find a hill with a minimum of 6% gradient
Sprint for 8-10 seconds or for distance full speed up the hill. Use the walk or jog back down for recovery. You should recover long enough to ensure you can maintain the same pace or distance up the hill each sprint repeat 10-12 times

Over the weeks gradually increase the distance, gradient , reps or time. You should constantly be pushing and giving each sprint 100%.

Workout 2:

Sprint x 60sec uphill, jog back down to the start (ideally taking 60sec) – Repeat x 4

Sprint x 45sec uphill, jog back down to the start (ideally taking 45sec) – Repeat x 4

Sprint x 30sec uphill, jog back down to the start  (ideally taking 30sec) – Repeat x 4

Remember to finish each workout with a 5 minute gentle jog and a thorough stretch.

Enjoy :O)