Kettlebells and Core Stability


Posted on March 07, 2014 by Jenny Cromack

So carrying on the theme from last week, I’ve looked kettlebells and core stability exercises and shoulder stability exercises. I generally try to avoid the “conventional” exercises that people still seem to associate with “Core” such as sit ups and crunches, and I focus instead on exercises which force multiple muscles to work together to stabilise the body.

I added some jump and plyometric movements for cardio, calorie burn and muscle power; but I also realise that I’m very lucky to have kit available to me which allows me to do my specific plyometric routines in my workouts. If you’re trying this work out else where, you can use my favourite exercise of all time – the Jump Squat, or try Skipping instead, as they require no or minimal kit.

For this Kettlebell workout, we used 2 x 16kg or 12kg and one 1 x 8kg or 12kg. Obviously the weight ranges are your choice! If you don’t have 2 kettlebells of the same weight, don’;t worry – replace the Farmers Walk with a Suitcase Walk instead – details below.

Each exercise is performed for 45 secs with minimal rest in between

Lunge & Torso Twist Holding the Kettlebell close to your chest, by the handle, perform a lunge. When in the  lowered phase of the lunge, twist your torso so that the Kettlebell moves over the front thigh.
Wood Chop Perform a side lunge by bending left knee and keeping the right leg stright, while bringing the kettlebell down to your right. Straighten from your lunge while simultaneously swinging the kettlebell up and across your body until it’s over your left shoulder.
Weighted Step Ups With the Kettlebell in a rack position, or arm extended above your head’ step up and down on a box, step or bench. Keep your body straight
Russian Twist Sit down with the legs bent and feet flat on the floor. Hold the Kettlebell with both hands at the chest, and then lean back to a 45 degree angle – keeping your back straight. Twist your torso from left to right by twisting at the waist. Aim to touch the Kettlebell to the floor slightly behind you.
Hip Bridge Kick Lie on your back with your knees bent, one heel on the floor and the other resting on the handle of the Kettlebell. Raise your bum off the floor until your back forms a straight line from knees to shoulders. Then left the foot that was on the floor off and kick repeatedly (and slowly). Killer!
Hurdle Jumps If you don’t have hurdles or boxes to use, here is where Squat Jumps are a good alternative.Squat down and jump over hurdle with your feet together. As soon as you land, immediately jump over next hurdle.
Kettlebell Crawl Come into a full press up position. Place the Kettlebell under your stomach. Pick it up and move it to a position in front of you. Keeping your bum down and back as flat as possible, crawl until you’re over the Kettlebell, and the using the other hand move it forward again.
Farmers Walk Deadlift two Kettlebells from floor. Stand holding a Kettlebell in each hand with arms straight down to sides. Walk. Keep your body straight.
*Alternative Suitcase Walk As above, but with one Kettlebell.  Don’t let that weight drag your body down on one side.
Box Jumps If you don’t have a box to use, here is where Skipping is a good alternative.Jump onto the box or step and immediately jump back down to same position. Keep going!

We hope you like this kettlebells and core stability workout!

Here’s some other links for information about strengthening your core and plyometric workouts.