Posted on May 23, 2016 by Jenny Cromack


For a lot of people sustaining fat loss is hard and can be a vicious cycle. They are able to diet for a few weeks and lose weight, however once they stop and go back to their original eating habits the fat soon comes back and often faster than when they lost it.

This kind of fat loss often leads to loss of muscle mass but never fear it doesn’t have to be that way.

Protein for Fat Loss

High protein diets have so many benefits and make fat loss easier as they increase your metabolism. Protein helps preserve lean muscle mass. Eating between 1.6-2.4g per kg of body weight a day can help you on your journey to becoming lean.

Protein is very filling and when a greater percentage of your diet is taken up with protein you feel more satisfied and then reduce your cravings. When you eat more protein it costs the body more calories to digest and process than carbs and fat. Protein also helps manage blood sugar and insulin by decreasing those cravings for sugar. When you have a high protein diet it usually leads to a decrease in the amount of carbs you eat allowing for glucose tolerance to improve allowing for steady energy levels and not slumps or crashes leading to sluggishness or reaching for unhealthy foods.

Eat High -Thermogenic Fats

Get your fix of fish oil and nuts. Some fats stimulate thermogenesis just like protein does. Healthy fats can help you get lean. Click here to read of this blog for some great healthy fats that will help shed the fat!

Lift Weights!

When you train with weights, you build lean muscle mass which is one of the best methods of burning fat as it gives you a metabolic advantage by maintaining lean muscle mass and keeping your daily metabolic rate higher than if you had a higher amount of fat tissue.

When people cut calories to lose weight they seriously effect their muscle mass as between 30-50% of the weight loss is from muscle mass.

Weight training is the key ingredient to help you lose the weight but build muscle mass. Alongside the physical lean exterior look the higher metabolic rate will help you shift the unwanted body fat.

Interval and Sprint Training

Intense bursts of exercise partnered with rest can provide a increase in metabolism during the recovery period.

Sprints are a fantastic interval protocol. The key is to go hard and give it your all but keep it short and sweet.

Incorporate these techniques into your daily routine and workouts to optimise your fat loss – and hit those fat loss goals, long term.