Mini Mudder – Tough Mudder for Kids


Posted on July 21, 2016 by Jenny Cromack

mini mudder

Many children are desperate to be grown up and do things that adults do! The start up of the Park Run has not only allowed a lot of adults to challenge themselves but also children as they can either take part in the adult 5k or do their own Park Run at certain venues on a Sunday over a shorter distance of 2k.

A lot of sporting events offer competition for children from 5k’s, swimming competitions and triathlons but here is an event that combines to things that children love:

1. Being active

2. Getting muddy.

Tough Mudder brings you Mini Mudder. Mini Mudder is a one mile Tough Mudder for children replicating the adults obstacles with mud hills, scramble nets, tunnels walls and, of course, the favourite mud bath!

Kids must be between the ages of 7 and 12 and be over 1.1 metres. The 1 mile obstacle course will be ensure your kids display team work, determination and a sense of adventure.

If your interested I suggest you take a look and the website here where you can see the kids in action.

The Yorkshire event is coming up on August 6 & 7th but there are many more around the UK!

It’s really great to offer children opportunities to exercise in a fun environment so get them signed up!