Posted on April 27, 2016 by Jenny Cromack

We have previously talked about adaptations to training. As a quick recap, the gym is about breaking the body down and when you rest is when the repair and super-compensation occurs. In theory then if you can recover quicker, you can train more, and if you can train more, you can reach your goals quicker. Below are a series of recovery strategies you can employ to aid recovery, the most important are first, the least are at the end.

recovery strategies

  1. Sleep – Nothing is better for recovery than sleep, make sure your getting a solid 8 hours a night, ideally this needs to be a solid block with no interruptions.
  2. Nutrition – Adequate good quality protein, good complex carbs and essential fats. Nutrition is often over complicated, keep it fresh and keep it simple.
  3. Light Exercise – Gentle steady state cardio increases blood flow and may assist the body in delivering nutrients to damaged tissues
  4. Massage and Stretching –  Similar to light exercise, massage aids blood flow as well as breakdown poorly formed muscular fibres.
  5. Compression Garments –There has been some research to suggest that compression garments post workout aid recovery.
  6. Cold Water Exposure – there has been some evidence to suggest cold water may reduce inflammation, whether or not this is a positive response, as it may blunt the adaptation response is yet to be decided.

Out of these recovery strategies, make sure you prioritise sleep as a good night’s sleep is paramount to the recovery process following a workout.

The next time you’re a little sore after a workout, try one of a combination of these recovery strategies to help you get back into training more quickly and continue to smash those goals!