Posted on July 21, 2017 by Kate Halsall

new diet crazes

It would appear (if you believe everything you read of course) that Paleo, 5:2 and Atkins are so last year – if not last decade! And whilst the terms “eat clean” or “clean eating” are now the most fashionable “diet” phrases around, and The Body Coach is one of the big hitters of 2017, it doesn’t stop some people from jumping on yet more alternative diets bandwagons! But are they really new diet crazes or just a rehash from older fads or even just another name for an actual lifestyle choice? You decide:

Alkaline Diet

  • What is it?

This diet focuses on your blood PH levels. There has been some research which has shown a connection between a diet alkaline foods and better overall health, whereas a diet high in food which creates more acid can lead to cell damage, bone loss and increased risk of cancer. The removal of certain foods not only makes you healthier (according to the diet) but also assists with weight loss.

  • What does it involve?

This diet removes dairy, eggs, meat, fish, most grains, refined sugar, processed foods, convenience foods, white flour and so on. The diet advocates fruit and vegetables. If you want a full list of alkaline foods click here.

  • Verdict

Doesn’t this sound like a Vegan diet? Wow – I’m on a winner! In all seriousness though, in my opinion this is simply a rebranding of veganism with a few more restrictions and without the stigma around “being a vegan”. And let’s face it, if you eat lots of convenience or processed food, then removing them from your diet will of course help you to lose weight!

Ketogenic Diet

  • What is it?

Not to be confused by “Raspberry Ketones” as that’s a whole different kettle of fish; the Ketogenic Diet is one which focuses on low carbs – so getting your calories predominantly from protein and good fats.

  • What does it involve?

This diet removes easily digestible carbs such as white bread, pasta, refined sugar, rice, starchy vegetables, refined sugar etc. If you want a list of “permitted foods” click here.

  • Verdict

This is simply another word for a low carbohydrate diet and – I almost hate to say it – “eating clean”. It’s not new, it’s what many fitness professionals advocate for weight loss as part of a carb cycling plan.

New diet crazes? I think not! The long and short of it is – if you are looking to lose weight it’s not a diet you need. You need to change your food choices, watch your portion sizes and don’t eat anything from a packet containing more than four ingredients! You need to expend more calories than you consume, eat a balanced diet of protein, good fats and the right carbs. It’s not a diet, it’s a lifestyle change, and it doesn’t need a fancy name, it’s just healthy living!