Posted on July 13, 2016 by Jenny Cromack

Im sure you will have seen promises of washboard abs, articles often promise amazing results in as little as 6 weeks, using super special, unknown secret exercises. Exercises that only the most dedicated of fitness professionals know about, unfortunately here at motive8 personal training we don’t know any of these exercises.

effective core training

However, we do know about effective core training and we do have processes in place that seek to improve core strength and burn body fat. Before I provide some insight into our long term approach to core training, it’s important to note that achieving the 6 pack is a product of hypertrophy and most importantly reduced body fat. In this article I’m not going to addresses strategies to reduce body fat as we have covered it numerous times – if you wish to have a read about losing body fat have a look through these articles.

Whilst you may only be interested in the aesthetic element, developing your core strength has numerous benefits. Ranging from reducing your injury risk, improving your digestive system, sports, cycling, running performance, and may even prevent you looking like a pretzel in years to come. The below program may seem remedial to start with, but stick with it the curve is steep, and requires solid foundations, it is merely an example and not a definitive program

Phase 1: Fundamentals (6 weeks)

  • A. Plank 2-4 x 30s + (build endurance)
  • B. Side Plank 2-4 x 30s +
  • C. Glute bridge 2-4 x 12-15
  • D. Back Extensions 2-4x 30s
  • E. Clams 2-4 x 12-15
  • F. Hip hinge 2-4 x 12-15

Phase 2: Challenging Fundamentals (6 weeks)

  • A. Plank Variations, changing limbs in contact with floor (e.g. plank with foot raised)
  • B. Glute bridge variations. (e.g single leg/ raised torso/ raised foot/ foot width/ speed)
  • C. Hip Hinge variations (e.g. single leg RDL/ speed/ depth)

Phase 3: Against Resistance (6 weeks)

  • A. Barbell Rollouts 2-4 x 8-15
  • B. Pallof Press variations 2-4 x 30s + (use variations such as kneeling/ lunging etc)
  • C. Glute bridge and variations under load 2-4 sets 8-15
  • D. Hip hinge variations under load 2-4 sets 8-15

Phase 4: Improving Activation Rate (6 weeks)

  • A. Medicine ball work, e.g. slams, throws (one arm/ two armed) etc

Use this as a framework to structure long term but most importantly effective core training. Enjoy