Posted on June 10, 2016 by Jenny Cromack

benefits of group exercise

Here at motive8 North have recently partnered up with Sustain Nutrition to run a 28 day transformation package. This include a variety of circuit classes and boot camp classes. This article provides some of the key benefits of engaging in group based exercise.

Increased Accountability & Effort

Studies have shown that people will work harder when they are surrounded by others. Nobody wants to be the one person stopping and resting whilst everyone else gives it there everything. Seeing others working hard around helps you find that extra ounce of energy to finish a set, or get through the session with as much effort as you possibly can – nobody wants to let their team mates down.

Vicarious Experience

Related to the above point by seeing others with similar situations, circumstances, or abilities achieving success, or making it through the sessions can provide an increase in confidence and motivation to follow those around you. It can be inspirational seeing these others around, all in the same boat, working successfully to similar goals. It provides you with a sense of realistic achievement – “if they can do it so can you”.

Social Support

There is nothing worse than dragging yourself unsuccessfully through a session when you have hard a hard day. By engaging with others as you work out you can vent any stresses of the day, but also share advice and tips for any obstacles or staleness in your goal achievement. You may gain some influential advice from someone who has struggled with something similar, or you may just find someone who is willing to listen to how terrible your job has been.


By exercising with friends and peers it provides a distraction to the often grueling hard work of an exercise session. In this setting you can talk to others, share your day, and channel some of your attention away from the pain and suffering your instructor is inflicting on you. The time will fly, and you won’t even realise you have just done 100 burpees!

Effective Structure & Design

By committing yourself to group exercise you can leave all the organisation and thinking to your instructor, there is no need to worry about what you will be doing in your sessions, or whether you are doing the right things. They will take care of all of this, you just turn up and work hard. The added benefit of these structured group sessions is that they usually cover a wide array of fitness components; working on strength and cardio-vascular endurance elements – everything you need to lose weight and get fit.

These are just a few benefits of group exercise, that will help make sure you get to your goal in an effective but more importantly fun and enjoyable fashion. You can share your experiences, improve your confidence, reduce any anxiety, and become part of a tight knit social group that all share in similar goals.