Posted on January 25, 2013 by Jenny Cromack

The recent buzz in the fitness world has been the notion of cycling calories, whether this is effective or not as a means of loosing unnecessary fat is uncertain. Here is what the theory suggests; regular dieting teaches our bodies to need fewer calories, this means that after a long term calorie deficit the instance of increase calorie consumption will lead to weight gain.

The idea behind calorie cycling is that you eat a different amount of calories each day, so in theory your body never knows whats really going on, so for example you would eat 1500 one day, then 2000 the next and finish on 2500 before repeating the cycle.

The issue with this is people tend to ignore healthy eating principals that they would normally adhere to on a calorie reduced plan, the idea that they can eat whatever they want one day a week not only promotes terrible habits, but it is detrimental to health!

Calorie cycling does seem like an effective way of losing weight however it should not be viewed as a ticket to eat whatever you want, correct healthy food choices are essential no matter what crazy diet your following! Unhealthy food is unhealthy food no matter which regime you are doing.

Unlike most fad diets the calorie cycling does seem to work well, particularly short term, however unless you introduce lifestyle changes like exercise and increasing activity those results may be short lived. Give it a go but keep in mind your food choices must be healthy and keep up to training!