Chris Day On A Plate – Meals In Minutes!

Diet | Nutrition

Posted on January 27, 2016 by Jenny Cromack

Most people that know me often wonder how I have time to cook, the truth is often I don’t.

I’m normally out of the house by 5:45am and not generally home until 8:45pm, this gives me snippits of time to cook nutritious meals. Most of my meals are batch cooked on a Sunday so I don’t have to worry, however evening meals I still like to cook.

Last night I had further reading to do when I got home so the quicker I could whip up a meal the better. There is no name for this dish other than Whack It on a Tray!!

  • meals in minutesPhase 1. Turn oven up to kill mode (10s)
  • Phase 2. Chop up courgette, peppers, onions… chunky (90s)
  • Phase 3. Slice chicken thighs into strips and open up the meat to allow it to cook quicker (120s)
  • Phase 4: Throw chicken and coconut oil into pan medium heat (10s)
  • Phase 5: Throw veg onto a baking tray, light drizzle of olive oil and enough cayenne pepper to take down a rhino (20s)
  • Phase 6: Leave to cook for 15mins returning back every couple of mins to turn over the chicken thigh meat and veg.
  • Phase 7: Plate up, add a little olive oil and some left over olives from the day before as a side
  • Phase 7: Devour food (leave no crumb alive)

This meal in minutes shows you don’t need tons of time to make a simple tasty dish. It does help that I don’t have any taste buds but simply strategies like this can make a massive difference to the success of your nutrition!