Posted on February 27, 2016 by Jenny Cromack

Do you often get a pain in the glutes like a deep niggling pain in the buttock or an aching pain in the lower back, or a sharp pain that shoots down your leg? This could be due to something more simple than you thought. I have recently seen several people with similar symptoms which have been becoming a hindrance to their training activities.
pain in the glutes

In a lot of cases individuals will have some imbalance or weakness in their gluteal muscles, and commonly in the gluteus medius. These muscles help stabilise the pelvis, hip, and subsequently the knee and lower leg. With this potential weakness in mind, other muscles must be picking up the slack. In a lot of the people I see, they develop trigger points in a deep muscle in the buttock known as the piriformis. These trigger points can refer pain into the lower back or down the leg, and cause pain patterns often described as sciatica.

Manually I can help release and treat these trigger points but as well as this I offer you some home advice tips for keeping this scenario at bay and getting rid of your pain in the glutes (or butt!). The following exercises stretch the piriformis muscle and activate the often weak gluteal medius muscles.

1.      Pigeon Pose Stretch with leg up on the sofa 2 x 20-30 seconds –

2.      Self-Trigger Point Release (until pain is diminished) –

3.      Clams (a band can be used for resistance) 2 x 15 –

4.      Gluteal Bridges (pulling knees apart) 2 x 15 –

Using the above techniques and exercises daily (or in your warm ups) you will help keep the piriformis lengthened and start to wake up the gluteal muscles to help support the pelvis, hip, and knee. Make sure you always seek medical advice should any symptoms worsen or not improve.