Some little tips to help burn fat.

Abdominal muscle | Anabolism | Building Muscle | Diet | Exercise | Fitness | Low Fat | Squat | Weight Loss

Posted on January 18, 2013 by Jenny Cromack

Often people ask me why their friend who eats the same as then is skinnier, or how come some people have to work so much harder for the same results, sure genetics plays a part, however you would be surprised at how subtle changes in your lifestyle effect the amount of body fat you store. Here are some simple changes that will increase your fat burning.

Carrying a heavy bag– The next time you go for a stroll, pack a bag that weighs about 20% of your body weight, research has shown that this burns around 30% extra calories.

Chill out– Training in the cold activates a type of fat that helps you drop weight, research has shown that when were cold brown fat takes calories from regular adipose and utilizes them. Smashing and all it takes is 1 minute in less than 4 degrees to set it of.

Sleep it of– Research is showing that the optimum amount of time for minimise abdominal fat gains was six and a half hours, anything less diminishes your ability to metabolise fat. Make sure you give yourself a 3 hour window from training to sleeping as the hormones produced during exercise can affect deep sleep.

Vitamin D– Natural sources such as salmon etc have been shown to dramatically influence the body’s ability to burn fat calories.

Lift explosively– When lifting weights the best way to target fat is speed through the lifting phase, and return to the starting position in 3 seconds, the best exercises are squats, lunges and dead lifts.

Play around with these simple tactics and introduce them to your healthy eating and watch the pounds fly off.