Posted on January 31, 2017 by Jenny Cromack


The idea of getting fit for many can be very confusing and daunting and can often result in people having the ‘I’ll start next month’ approach but it doesn’t have to be a difficult and traumatic experience so here are some Top Tips For Somebody New To Training and how to make the transition to a fitter you easier.

What Do You Enjoy?

The first thing is to ask yourself what do you enjoy? If in the past you enjoyed fitness classes, playing football or getting out for a run is there a facility near by that will accomodate this?

If running is your thing then why not pop down to motive8 on a Tuesday night for our run club running from 5:30 to 6:30. Our run club is ran by Jenny who is an experienced runner and is open to all abilities, contact Jenny for more details

What Are Your Goals?

Quite often what your goals are can determine what kind of exercise you should be doing. If you are unsure on what is best to help achieve your goals we would recommend booking in for a gym programme with one of our expert personal trainers who will ask you a number of questions on your goals and past experience to determine and then plan a exercise programme bespoke for you to help get the results you want. Included in our monthly gym membership is a FREE training programme to ensure you are working towards your goals.

Plan, plan and plan!

On this cold wintery day it can be easy to escape home to the warmth but by planning your training you can stay focused and committed. If you have a good routine at work then I recommend pre planning training so say you will train Monday, Wednesday, Friday, & Saturday and aim to stick to those times each week. If your work schedule is all over the place then try and designate time once a week to plan and prioritise training for the coming week.

When Is The Best Time To Train?

I get asked this quite often my suggestion would be to try mornings, mid day and evenings it completely depend on your schedule for more information take a read of this previous blog I wrote When Is The Best Time To Exercise 

I Struggle to Train Alone

A lot of people struggle to train in their own and respond better from a class environment so why not pop to one of our motive8 classes that run on Monday, Wednesday & Friday lunchtimes and evenings Monday to Thursday. Our classes welcome all abilities and we would love you to come and join our class community. Your first class is FREE so pop a long to give it a try! To book a class or look at our timetable please click here.

The Whole Package

At motive8 our personal training packages offer the whole package from training advice and support, nutritional help as well as pushing you and guiding you on how to get the results you want. Starting with a consultation your trainer will take measurements to track your progress as well as give you up to date training programmes and nutritional advice for more information take a look at our personal training services here.

If you’re looking to get fit the key word is routine. Make sure you have a regular routine and stick to it, as they say practice makes perfect. If you need any help or advice then please don’t hesitate to contact us.