Top tips to improve 10k time (smash that pb)

Exercise | Fitness | Running | Training | Weight Loss

Posted on April 05, 2013 by Jenny Cromack

Many runners play around with programs in the attempt to improve their race times to no avail, this is simply because many runners fail to incorporate the 4 most important principals. Follow these simple tips and smash your race times.

1-      Consistent– Your race time won’t improve if you are sketchy with your training, practice makes perfect! Obviously don’t overdo it but getting into a proper training program will give you the structure and drive to improve your time. The benefits from doing a little something frequently far outweigh the negatives of not doing anything regularly.

2-      Hills, Hills and more Hills– Gruelling sessions on hills are by far the best form of training for improving your 10k performance. They work all the desired energy systems for speed whilst improving functional running strength and endurance. Start out with 6-10 reps of 1 minute hill sprints at a max speed then jog back down to recover. Progress the volume as you become a machine.

3-      Work to the limit– You shouldn’t work to 100% on every run, but on your speed work/tempo runs or on race day you shouldn’t be afraid of actually racing (not running) get there and go mental run like your life depends on it, i guarantee you will be surprised with what your capable off, too many runners hit the finish line with the feeling that they could have gone faster.

4-      Slim down– Weight is a massive part of running the 10k, if your carrying excess weight its a burden slowing you down. Get your nutrition squared away and drop those pesky pounds.