Lucy’s Top Tips To Sticking To Healthy Eating

Diet | Uncategorized

Posted on February 03, 2016 by Jenny Cromack

The easiest way to stick to healthy eating is to make healthy eating your day to day routine. Most people find healthy eating difficult when they don’t plan and prepare.

To put it bluntly, if you have healthy food options available there is no excuse to not eat it… likewise if you don’t have unhealthy foods such as bread, pasta, biscuits and chocolates in the house then you wont be tempted to reach for them as an easy option. So here are our top tips to sticking to healthy eating.

top tips to sticking to healthy eating

1) Remove The Negatives

In order to start a fresh and start eating healthy remove any unhealthy items from your fridge, freezer and shelves. You can donate unwanted jars and tins and packets to food banks and removing this stuff from the house will prevent you from diving for that mac and cheese when you have had a bad day!

2) Plan Your Food

It may sound ridiculous but this is how I get through my week. If you ask me on a Monday what I’m eating I can pretty much tell you what I have planned for that full week. This way I can prepare and be organised and not find myself scraping a meal together or left floating round supermarkets looking for lunches.
3) Bulk Make

If I’m making recipes that can be easily frozen like bolognese, chilli or curry I always make enough for multiple portions that I can have for lunch or freeze for next week dinners.

4) Double Up!

If I make a meal that doesn’t freeze as we’ll such as steak and roasted vegetables I make double and store the second meal in a tupperware box for my lunch the next day saving time and making sure your prepared.

5) Strict Shopping

Once I’ve planned my meals for that week I use it to write a shopping list then only buy the items on that list. This not only saves money and food wastage but prevents me from buying unwanted items

6) Tactical Shopping

NEVER shop HUNGRY.. This can lead to the HANGRY monster inside you creeping towards the unhealthier options and can soon result in you having a house full of naughty treats again so always shop when your not hungry! A good way around this is shopping online or ordering meat and veggies to be delivered to your house/work from companies.

7) Bulk Shop

Shopping can often be seen as a negative point to peoples healthy eating so minimising the amount you have to do is always helpful. I bulk shop for non perishable items such as tinned tomatoes, porridge oats, brown rice, quinoa this helps as it minimises the chances of running out and makes your shopping bags lighter (saying that its a good workout to load up your bags from the car and scramble to the house!)

8) Healthy Snack Options To Hand

I would say one of the best bits of advice I can give you for keeping on top of your healthy eating is always have a healthy food options available. Keeping a tin of mackerel, tuna or bag of nuts in your car, handbag and work desks can be the answer to a hunger craving or need for a food fix and will give you an options rather than reaching for a unhealthy snack from the vending machine or petrol station. Always have an option and make sure its a healthy one!
I hope these top tips to sticking to healthy eating have been helpful. Gradually implement these into your daily routine and before you know it you  healthy eating will become a way of life not a chore.