Posted on May 25, 2016 by Jenny Cromack

Sitting down doesn’t have to be easy, and the gym doesn’t have to be out of bounds when injuries creep in. Injuries to the lower limbs and the back can be very frustrating, especially for those who love hitting the gym and pumping iron. It doesn’t have to stop us ticking over with our training though.

This seated dumbbell workout offers the opportunity to work safely through you injuries until you can be back on your feet and fully training.

Seated Dumbbell Workout

All you will need for this seated dumbbell workout is a set of dumbbells and a bench. It is based upon two complexes (grouped exercises, with little to no rest) each including 4 exercises, working for a set amount of reps, and working through 3 to 5 sets of each, depending upon level of fitness. It is advised to choose a weight that is achievable, but challenging, for all of the exercises in each complex. This makes sure that the transition is smooth, and minimises rest between exercises.

The workouts are as follows:

Complex 1:

  • Overhead Press x 12
  • Rear Delt Raise x 12
  • Upright Row x 12
  • Overhead Tricep Extension x 12
  • Rest 60 seconds
  • Repeat x 3-5 sets

Complex 2:

  • Bent Over Row x 12
  • Side Raises x 12
  • Woodchoppers x 12 Each Side
  • Bicep Curl x 12
  • Rest 60 seconds
  • Repeat x 3-5 sets

When performing this workout makes sure you maintain a good posture through the spine, especially when performing the bent over rows, and rear delt raises.

If you find yourself battling with injury, and want to make sure that you can still maintain your strength, this seated dumbbell workout offers a great, and safe, way to get you back in the gym and getting your fitness fix of training.

Good Luck!