Posted on April 04, 2018 by Jenny Cromack

The following barbell metabolic workout is a simple, quick, and effective workout for getting you sweating and ramping up the ability to eat away those Easter calories. I can share in your pain with this one, I have been working through several barbell complexes (including this one) for several weeks and they are brutal but give you a great feel good factor after. Trust me!

barbell metabolic workout

All you need for this barbell metabolic workout is a barbell and either a treadmill or a space to run 400m (if you don’t like running you could always try the rower instead)

The idea is that the weight used remains the same so you do not need to put the bar down. You will string together five exercises for 5 reps with a 400m run after. All this completed for 5 sweaty breathless sets. The quicker you work the quicker you finish.

The Workout!

A1) Barbell Deadlift x 5

A2) Babrbell Clean x 5

A3) Barbell Push Press x 5

A4) Barbell Back Squat x5

A5) Barbell Bent Over Row x 5

400m Run x 1

Rest (if needed) and repeat x 5.

It is important that you choose a weight that is do-able but challenging for each of the exercises. The deadlifts and squats may seem easy for the first set or two but do not let this fool you, ride it out and see how that run saps your legs ready for the subsequent sets. Do not be tempted to let your ego increase the weight to only be dropped or fail later in the workout. Additionally, do not rest for too long between sets just enough to catch your breath, the less rest the higher the metabolic debt. Record your times for the full workout and use this as a target reference – see if you can beat your time the next time you challenge yourself with this barbell metabolic complex.

Good luck and enjoy (if you can).