Posted on September 08, 2017 by Jenny Cromack

As a personal trainer I’ve worked with many clients who want to lose weight, drop body fat and tone up….it’s a common goal for many people. From experience, whilst losing weight is a MASSIVE achievement which takes a lot of hard work and dedication, the dedication and commitment really comes into practice when someone has hit their target goal whether that be a number on the scales, a waist or dress size. Once you have hit target it’s not time to sit back and put your feet up with a glass of wine and pack of crisps, slap yourself on the back and say ‘Well done, job done now I can sit back and chill’….no, no, no you still need to work hard to keep wearing that new smaller sized shirt or dress you now love wearing.

This is the downfall for many people. Once they have hit target they get a bit complacent, the treats no longer become a weekly treat but start sneaking in two or three days a week, those workouts no longer take priority and you find yourself watching your favourite soap instead of slogging it out in a HIIT session, the pounds start to creep back on, that new shirt starts to feel a but snugger and before you know it you’re back where you started.

I’m writing this blog, to inspire you that this does not have to be the case, by sharing Ali’s story with you. You may have read our other blogs about Ali who took part in our Do It In 12 Programme last September, well here is her story one year later….

The first picture is of Ali (in the red t-shirt) at our boot camp in September 2016, the second is Ali at the end of Do It In 12 – look at the changes around her waist and abdominals!

MAINTAINING WEIGHT LOSS  maintaining weight loss

You started Do It In 12 in September 2016, it’s now September 2017. How are things going one year later? Have you managed to keep the good eating habits and exercise routine you formed during Do It In 12?

Ali : The good eating habits are continuing. I now plan my food weekly and generally stick to it. I like the structure and eat a more varied, healthier diet due to the support I had through Do It In 12. I kept a good routine with my exercise but over the summer holidays it wasn’t as rigorous as it was. I have a new job, so the challenge will be to keep it on track but I’m determined to do this.

Jenny: When Ali first started Do It In 12, she didn’t have any routine with her food and just ‘grabbed something quick’ like a cheese sandwich. It is great to see her still planning her food and I am confident she will get into a routine with her exercise.

What would you say is the one key thing which has kept you track 12 months later?

Ali: The results without a doubt! Being 9 stone something is amazing but now I want to get to 8 stone something……

Jenny: Whilst the results which Ali has achieved is amazing, I think that the key thing which has kept her on track is the planning of her food as it’s stopped little treats sneaking in.

Have you managed to maintain your results from Do It In 12? How easy have you found this?

Ali: I have maintained, and even continued to lose weight since ending Do It In 12 , this is due to the lifestyle changes the programme helped me to make. To be honest, it hasn’t been hard. I am focused and won’t allow my success and determination to slip. So much so that now I don’t think about having a drink of alcohol unless we are going out somewhere special and even then I don’t always have a drink. Everything now if so much more controlled and considered. If I want something ‘special’ I have it but only very occasionally these days. I don’t ‘do without’, I just think much more carefully about what I eat.

Jenny: I think Ali has found maintaining her results as being healthy and active have become part of Ali’s life….it’s in her blood now!

Do you have any new goals?

Ali: Yes, 8 stone something! I also want to continue feeling amazing in my clothes.

If you have to give one piece of advice from your own experience, what is the key thing to someone maintaining their weight?


Jenny: From experience of working with clients who have lost weight and kept it off, I will give you three nuggets of wisdom:

  • Make your healthier lifestyle and eating habits part of your lifestyle. Don’t see what you are doing as a quick fix….make those changes habitual changes.
  • Plan and prep your food
  • Prioritise your workouts in your diary – make them as important as your work meetings and get into a good weekly routine.