Posted on January 07, 2021 by Kate Halsall

The BBC recently released a “21 ways to get fit in 2021” blog, which started us thinking…. what if the goal you have set this year isn’t so much a ‘getting fitter’ goal, but more of a ‘move more’ goal. There’s no pretending that these lock downs haven’t made some of us more sedentary during the day. So perhaps breaking out of the sitting routine should be your new goal if it wasn’t already! So with that in mind, here are 5 tips on how to move more in 2021.


Walking is one of the most versatile exercises there is. We can complete it anywhere, anytime, for any length of time (as long as you stick to Government guidelines) and at any level. Implementing walking into your daily routine will not only increase your weekly active minutes but improve overall fitness and reduce a sedentary lifestyle. Walking is also known to help manage emotions such as stress, frustration and anxiety.

How to walk more:

  • Include daily work breaks of 10-minute walks and try to make it outdoors. By doing this you are not only giving yourself a mental rest from work, but you are reducing being sedentary and if you have a step goal, it’s a great way to help reach it!
  • Try starting your day with an outdoors walk! Starting your day with a walk will not only increase your activity but will more than likely put you in a positive and productive mood for the rest of your day.
  • Increase your NEAT! (Non-exercise activity thermogenesis). These are the daily activities we complete apart from exercise. So daily tasks like, cleaning, gardening and shopping. Simple ways of increasing your NEAT is parking further away, taking a walk instead of transport, take the stairs instead of the lift and walk for your food/coffee rather than ordering for delivery.

Set weekly challenges

Setting personal weekly challenges can keep you motivated throughout the week and it helps to keep things fresh, so you won’t get bored!

Challenge examples such as:

  • Walk 21 miles in a week (that’s just 3 miles a day!)
  • Complete 150 minutes of exercise throughout the week, in any form!
  • Get outside every day
  • Try five new exercises you haven’t done before

Challenges can be anything you like but it’s important to make them fun, achievable and practical!

Try a new form of exercise

Trying different exercise workouts can be extremely challenging but rewarding. If you’re used to HIIT workouts then try yoga, it will definitely be a challenge! Trying new things not only gives you a large variety, but it will motivate you to work out more because each workout can be different! No one wants to do HIIT every day (well I imagine not!) so why not try 3 HIIT, 1 yoga and 1 strength for example. That way you’re working out 5 times instead of three, and it’s not just the demands that are different but the whole style itself.

10 Minute Workouts

If your trouble is time, then there’s no doubt this is what you need! Adding a fast 10-minute intense workout not only helps you keep active but is great for those busy bees. Simply wake up 10 minutes earlier or cut TV time 10 minutes shorter. The NHS recommends 75 minutes of vigorous activity a week, so a 10 minute workout a day, every day, adds up to 70 minutes already!

Online workouts

There are plenty of online workouts out there that you can follow from the comfort of your own home – from Joe Wicks and Courtney Black to Les Mills and even motive8 (stay tuned for details of the motive8 ones coming soon)! You don’t even need equipment. Workouts vary on time and type, with the added bonus being that you can set your pace, do it wherever you like and most importantly wear whatever you want.

You see, there are plenty of ways to move more and become more active! You don’t even need to spend any money doing it either! If you would like further advice or support a member of the motive8 team will be more than happy to help!

Beth x